We offer a unique form of chiropractic care.
There are many reasons why people like yourself come into our office for care:
a persistent pain or recurrent symptom
a stressful event either physical, emotional, or mental
a desire for more ease and joy in life
or even because a persistent loving family member, friend, or co-worker said, “You’ve got to go!”
Regardless of the motivation, the underlying hope is often that the problem get fixed.
This kind of thinking is a set up for failure because you are not broken. “What?” you may ask. “Then why am I not healing?” This is a great question! By asking this question, you have taken your first step on the road to successful healing.
Have you ever had the experience of talking with someone on a cell phone and having the signal drop out? Is it because your phone is broken or is it simply that your phone has lost its connection? Healing is not about ‘fixing you’ because you are broken, rather it is about greatly enhancing the connection between your body and brain.
Wellspring utilizes Network Care as a model for its chiropractic service.
Our primary objective is to effectively and measurably enhance your body/brain connection via the spine — as a result, immediately increasing your healing capacity.
The application of care, called an entrainment, consists of specific touches in a reproducible sequence where the spinal cord attaches to the spine. These contacts encourage the development of spontaneous breathing and stretching movements that release tension in the spine and body.
You will soon discover a relationship between the level of connection you have in your body and the level of connection you feel in your life.

Research undertaken at the University of California, Irvine’s Medical College shows conclusively that practice members undergoing Network Care demonstrate significant improvements in their pain and stress levels.
The study concluded that out of 2,818 subjects, a stunning 99% were more than satisfied with the care they received and its long-term results.
Fall into Ease
2 complimentary sessions when you book your new patient exam ($450 value for only $300).
Text FALL to 603-742-3270
Care at Wellspring begins with a New Patient Assessment, held on two separate days. You will receive two detailed emails with all required paperwork to complete electronically at least 48 hours prior to your appointment
During your initial visit:
Electronically complete our Comprehensive Health Profile.
Meet with the chiropractor for a consultation.
During the consult, you’ll have a spinal assessment and two non-invasive scans:
EMG or electromyography scans measure the muscle tone around your spine.
Thermal scans measure heat along the spine.
You will also receive a Network Spinal session also called an entrainment.
During your second visit:
(either in-office or via Zoom)
Together with one of our chiropractors, you’ll review the connection between what you are experiencing currently in your body and the results of your assessment.
From there, we will recommend a course of care for you and discuss frequency.
We will show you our Care Plan Packages that bundle sessions together at a discounted rate as a commitment to your wellness journey.
Begin your path
to healing.
We offer a free introductory video to Wellspring Care, led by one of our chiropractors. You’ll learn more about our unique care and witness an entrainment. Sign up to get access to the video.
Network Spinal (NS) & Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI)
Under our care, you will become more aware of your body’s structure and vibration, and develop the wisdom and skills to move energy through it. When you reconnect to yourself in this way, the body begins to correct itself, releasing old patterns of stress while strengthening your internal resources for healing and growth. The result is an expanding sense of wholeness that connects embodied healing, emotion, intelligence, and spirit.
We look at the relationship between the physical, emotional and/or mental symptoms you may be experiencing and the way you are living and have lived your life. It is a unique wellness application of chiropractic. Pain is the vehicle by which your body tells you to stop, take inventory, and take new empowered action.
Our fast-moving, ever-changing world creates a lot of noise in our brain and body which mutes our ability to even know if there is something off. This overstimulation creates a numbing effect where the brain no longer receives the true feedback of what’s happening in your body and what it really needs. Our care gives you access to more embodied connections and allows you to hack into your nervous system and therefore your capacity to communicate more effectively to heal, grow, and meet your modern-day challenges. Under our care, you will start to recognize areas where you’ve limited yourself physically, emotionally, or psychologically, and begin feeling empowered to shift your experience of life in an energized way.
The goal of Wellspring Care is to develop the body’s ability to heal itself faster and more efficiently.
Connecting places of ease within the body to problem areas removes much of the interference from the nervous system. This allows the brain and body to better communicate, reorganize, and heal.
As your perception of the world becomes congruent with your experiences, life becomes easier and more rewarding. In other words, Wellspring Care allows your true self to come forth. It allows you to thrive.
Network Spinal
Network Spinal involves soft, precise touches to specific points along the spine by a Network Spinal Chiropractor. These contacts cue the brain to self-assess and correct distortions in the body while unwinding muscular tension. NS is proven effective for working out the kinks — not only the ones in your body but also the ones in your life.
It helps you identify where you’re stuck and, in the process, helps you develop resourcefulness in your body. Through this care, your body will become a reliable place to which you can return, again and again, to overcome what’s keeping you from moving forward in your life.
NS is a powerfully unique form of spinal care that supports people in making progress in every area of their life and health with energy and clarity rather than struggle and effort. NS is great for everyone, especially for those who are ready to take charge of their health and life.
NS’s revolutionary approach to wellness applies low-force touch contacts along the spine (called spinal gateways) and certain points on the body for high-impact results.
These gentle contacts, like tuning a guitar, help assist the brain to connect more effectively with the spine and body. The pressure causes a wave-like movement and breathing pattern to occur along your spine activating the individual’s self-regulating capacity to detect areas of stored-up tension or dis-ease and release it allowing for greater ease in your body and life.
Network Spinal (NS) evolved from Network Chiropractic, a method developed in the mid-1980s by Dr. Donald Epstein to help patients resolve tension patterns that occur when the spinal cord is over-stretched during physical injury or when the body is under mental or emotional stress.
Each session builds on the one before creating an orchestra of healing and upgraded body connection. Your body literally begins to self-correct, and your spine upgrades the internal hardware of your nervous system.
Your body is the movie projector of your life, and its ability to be alive, healthy, experience happiness, have clear thoughts, and experience deeper love in relationships are governed by your spine’s ability to interpret information effectively. When this becomes highly efficient, everything you do becomes highly efficient.
This means less pain, body aches, headaches, stress, and depression and more ease, energy, sleep, happiness, improved posture, concentration, focus, and performance.
Somato-Respiratory Integration (SRI)
This element of Wellspring Care consists of focused breath and positioning exercises that link enhanced somatic (body) awareness with respiration and different conscious states. In general, they help locate places of ease within the body and connect them to areas where you unconsciously hold stress.
This helps dissipate energy stored as tension and fuels the body’s healing process. SRI is offered at Wellspring in conjunction with your entrainment sessions or can be booked independently individually, or in a group and taught for developing a personal home practice.

The shape, position, tension, and tone of the neural-spinal system is directly related to the shape, position, tension, and tone in a person’s life. When the spine cannot enjoy its natural, full range of motion, the body-mind is limited in the kinds of experiences it can have, as well as in the way it can express itself on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.
Network Spinal helps you utilize the energy within your spinal/body tension and patterns to fuel your healing process, physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually. Network care helps your nervous system's internal cues become more effective, allowing you to more clearly access what your body needs at any given moment.
The majority of our nervous systems are overloaded which results in fragmented information. This dissonance of the nervous system creates an environment that decreases energy access, spawns fuzzy thinking and inappropriate or less effective body response. Basically, most of us are listening to our internal and external environment through white noise.
This creates much confusion in our body's capacity to digest life on all levels. Through a specified plan of Network Care, you will progress through a series of Levels of Care. This means your nervous system will not only quiet (move out of chronic fight or flight), it will begin to upgrade its capacity to process life...literally upgrading the hard drive of your nervous system.
Every part of your life (physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually) is governed by the tone and flexibility (capacity to interpret information) of your nervous system. As you progress with your care, your body's ability to physically heal, your capacity to safely feel life, and therefore gain greater bandwidth and strategy on how to navigate life exponentiates.
As your nervous system gains bandwidth, so do your perceptions and ability to see where you had otherwise felt stuck.
An entrainment is a network spinal chiropractic “adjustment.” Your sessions are called entrainments because this is a more accurate description of the objective and desired outcome of your care.
Entrainment is a term used in many arenas of life study. In its generalist sense, it is when synchronization of two or more energies or rhythms occurs resulting in a symbiotic more supportive state of being as a whole. An example in nature would be a school of fish. Fish will coordinate with one another in a way where they become more powerful as a synchronized unit, better protecting themselves from predators, improving their foraging, and swimming more efficiently.
Similarly, we have many different parts and functions within our body and being. They cannot survive (nevermind thrive) on their own. Our body's systems were meant to function in entrainment with one another. The more entrainment our body coordinates the healthier we are and the more growth our body, mind, and spirit can acquire.
Unfortunately, we are being asked to process so much information that our systems become overloaded resulting in de-synchronization and disconnection. Network Care works directly with the system that has the capacity to RE-synchronize our systems as well as grow our body's capacity to process a lot of life information much more effectively—your nervous system.
During your session, we’ll apply specific contacts along your spine as well as areas that are related in posture and tone to these spinal areas, to initiate connection with your brain to sift through the noise and begin to unwind posture and patterns of dissonance that exist which prevent us from progressing and healing on many levels.
This, similarly to tuning a guitar, will initiate an organic response in your nervous system to alchemize the dissonant tones and related postures. The practitioner will also support this process by assisting you in different postures and positions on the table. Pretty quickly, if not immediately, you will begin to feel your own urges of response with movement, stretching and even sighs and tone (sometimes even spontaneous laughter). Sometimes this may feel out of character for you or to witness this in another. You are not alone in this, since as a collective our nervous systems have lost their natural tone and expression. Instead, we've become more contracted and tonally stunted.
Each session is cumulative, meaning that the entrainment is not something passive that is happening to you, rather your nervous system is remembering, synchronizing, and growing new pathways of recall and self-assessment.
SRI stands for Somato-Respiratory Integration. “Soma” means body, and “respiratory” means breath. These are breathing exercises that involve body, breath, touch, movement, and energy. SRI exercises, known as “stages,” allow you to connect with the natural rhythms of your body and receive the messages held within them. In other words, tucked within your embodied liberation, are 12 Stages of Healing that express through the body via certain breath patterns and body movements.
There is an SRI exercise associated with each stage. SRI exercises can be utilized within your session and can be used as an additional tool to support you in your healing evolution as well. It's important to note that although there is a chronological aspect to the 12 Stages, your embodied awareness and progress are not solely linear. That said, the 12 Stages of SRI exercises are to be met organically as these natural states arise within your system. Many breakthroughs can happen with SRI.
Network Spinal is perfect for the expecting mother both for its gentle application as well as its effective results and outcomes. We have a pregnancy body pillow for comfort during sessions. Pregnant women experience many great advantages under Network Care and many report smoother pregnancies and birthings as well as experiencing a deeper connection with their baby.
The sooner the better. One of our practice members brought her baby in for a session before they even went home from the hospital after being born. It is an honor and a privilege to work with children. They are after all our future. They respond with such ease and efficiency. As technology and our world, in general, continue to ask each of our nervous systems for more, we feel it's vital to help our children develop greater ranges within their bodies to efficiently navigate and thrive in the more demanding environments they live and will live in.
We are considered an out-of-network provider, which simply means that we provide you with the documentation required by insurance companies to submit personally. Although everyone has different levels of insurance coverage, most of our practice members have had a positive experience with this process.
An individual session is $75. We offer care plans that bundle sessions at a discounted rate with additional savings for families with multiple people in care.
If you are new to care and to Wellspring, we will book you a New Patient Assessment (including your initial and second visit) at $300. Please contact the office to inquire about special offers.