Episode 3: What are you so sorry about?

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I'm sorry is an open door in, not closing a door away. The acknowledgment is a way into connection, communication, and into deeper intimacy. Sometimes it's more about the energy that lives within the words, than the words themselves.

We are enculturated to either ‘over sorry’ or 'under’ sorry. When we ‘over sorry’, there tends to be a regret or a shutting the door on an opportunity to acknowledge the feelings that arise in the vein of making ourselves or others comfortable.

When we ‘under sorry’, there tends to be a resistance to the acknowledgment of the threads that lie underneath the very thing we could be apologizing for. The invitation to the I’m sorry piece is an acknowledgment to move the energy into a direction of more connection and more understanding of ourselves, the other person and of the moment. What if before we say I’m sorry, ask ourselves what needs to be acknowledged, then respond with words that are in resonance with the feelings that are asking to be known. What are you really sorry for? Are you sorry at all? What is asking to be acknowledged within yourself, with the other person and within the bigger moment?


Episode 4: What do you do when you feel you fucked up?


Episode 2: Why have I not learned that yet?