Podcast hosted by Dr. Deb with Crystal Clear

Episode 39: What type of mask do you wear?
In this episode, we dive into the dichotomy of physical and metaphorical mask wearing and some of the common masks we wear to empower ourselves and also the common masks that may be hidden (even to ourselves) that hold parts of our being’s expression hostage.

Episode 38: What is in a question?
This episode is centered around how we get to enough curiosity, humility, and trust to discover more about ourselves, others, and the life we live. Each episode invites you in through a QUESTION. This episode explores why that is so, and what a question can offer us.

Episode 37: Do you belong?
What did you think about most today? Which thought patterns seem to have a hold on your attention? Do they give you access to more energy, peace, and perspective?

Episode 36: What are you trying to prove?
The other day my inner thoughts were about 10 steps ahead of my body. I could feel a sense of urgency that didn’t seem to match what I was actually doing in that moment. I invite you to consider some of the things that may promote this kind of internal pressure to prove, be good, and/or do better.

Episode 35: Do you ever get lonely?
In this episode, we unpack loneliness…what it is, what is inside of it, and how we can navigate and support more connected lives for ourselves and our loved ones because of it.

Episode 34: What do you see?
In this episode, we will take a moment to discern what allows you to see…or not see. You will discover that what you take in (see) every day impacts how well you can receive. In addition, we will also look at how our world is set up to make us addicted to multitasking, burnout, and addictive habits in general.

Episode 33: What is mother?
Mother’s Day can elicit a range of feelings depending on our personal life experiences. What is a mother, what is her role, and how can we explore these questions through the lens of archetype vs a person?

Episode 32: What does it mean to sustain your life?
A question I was presented with recently was, “Where in my life do I sustain and where in my life do I maintain?” Have you ever been asked a simple question that feels out of proportionally complex to answer? This conversation ended up being very helpful in noticing where I am currently maintenance heavy and where I am maintenance light. Join me in the episode.

Episode 31: What do you expect?
In this episode, I adventure into what lies behind our expectations, how reconnecting with the mystery of life influences how and what we expect, and how re-visiting Don Miguel Ruiz's Four Agreements may support us in updating and enriching our relationship to EXPECTING.

Episode 30: What are you saying?
This episode is simply filled with three baseline observations on how what we say can reveal what’s happening on the inside and within the dynamic of your relationships. Sometimes we use avoidance languaging, sometimes we come out fighting, and others we just simply freeze.

Episode 29: Are you enough?
Are you enough? Do you have enough? Have you done enough? It seems as though our relationship to “being enough” lies underneath a lot of our behaviors, like reducing a fraction to its simplest form. When we do hold on to or try not to look at the “enough” conversation, it either implodes (creating exhaustion, anxiety or dis-ease) or explodes (impacting and possibly damaging our relationships).

Episode 28: Do you like money?
What is your relationship with money? Do you smile when you think about money or is there a pit in your stomach? The one thing I’m certain of is that it has played (and plays) an important role in your life, regardless of what kind of relationship you have with it.

Episode 27: How do you nurture your creativity?
Where does creativity come from anyway? Some of us associate with being creative and some of us don’t. Or, sometimes we just don’t know. Join us as we get CREATIVE on our understanding of the remembering of Self and the power that lies within our creativity.

Episode 26: What does your pet teach you about life?
This is an episode all of humanity needs. Oh, how our four leggeds love to teach us so much! This was a “conversation that almost wasn’t." Then, by the magic of the field around us, everyone seemed to be talking about the beauty and love of their pets!

Episode 25: Do you like certainty or variety? Part 2
In this episode, I was called to explore more deeply this relationship between instability and stability and notice which ways we adapt around or with this relationship.
I discuss 3 types of Life Adaptations strategies that we all have and explore how becoming more aware of them can breathe in more space, self-awareness, trust, and empowerment.

Episode 24: Do you like certainty or variety? Part I
In this episode, we begin to enter this curious and vital conversation on the relationship between the need for certainty or security and the craving for something more. Whether you are yearning for some quiet and ease or ready for some excitement and transformation, we trust this episode holds something intriguing for you.

Episode 23: What do you do when you get what you want?
How we can acknowledge a broader range of how we can celebrate the different versions of ourselves that contribute to our accomplishments?

Episode 22: How do you live with integrity?
Have you ever felt that pang or nudge from somewhere deep inside of yourself that knows something is off? Perhaps the story you are telling yourself is not the whole truth. Within this episode, you will walk with us as we unpack integrity in a way that may spark some new curiosities and deeper connections in what it means for you to live with integrity.

Episode 21: What did my junk drawer teach me?
I joyfully invite you into this space of this conversation with me as I explore the Japanese concept of “Ma” and how cleaning out my junk drawer became a sacred act of abundance.

Episode 20: How can mud change your life?
In this episode, I share a story of how a "regular" day out paddleboarding became a powerful metaphor for living full-heartedly. Step into the mud with me as I recall how it felt when life was going my way…until it wasn't. 😆 Or was it?