Episode 11: Why sacred agreements?

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We all have agreements with ourselves and others whether we know what they are or not. Our agreements are born from our beliefs and these beliefs create the patterns of behavior we repeat in life. 

Why create agreements? How can you sink deeper into the sovereignty of yourself and your relationship with sacred agreements?

How often do you take inventory of what you really want, what experiences make you feel loved, and what kind of relationships you desire to cultivate?

This conversation was never intended to be an episode. But alas, it became one. We are not attempting to make a point or offer tools. It's just two women who were following their hearts with this new endeavor and feeling the uncomfortable stretch of becoming more visible through this platform.

In this episode, you’ll find Crystal and I processing what elephants came up for us individually and collectively right before we launched our first episode. It forced us to consider how the roles we were comfortable playing in life dictated which kind of invisible agreements we were following and how launching this podcast made us come face to face with our vulnerability (that we didn't know was there…until it was 😉) of becoming more exposed to the world.

What happens when you stretch into your edge? 


Episode 12: Is there a difference between power & force?


Episode 10: What are you celebrating?