Episode 29: Are you enough?

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Are you enough? Do you have enough? Have you done enough?

Before you stop reading 😉, I promise you we offer a sweet space in exploring this no matter how you answered the above questions. ❤️

Even though I’m certainly no math wizard, it seems as though our relationship to “being enough” lies underneath a lot of our behaviors, like reducing a fraction to its simplest form.

One of my favorite things to do is to let those proverbial cats out of the bag in a safe, sacred, and exploratory space. It takes a lot more energy to hold it in. When we do hold on to or try not to look at the “enough” conversation, it either implodes (creating exhaustion, anxiety or dis-ease) or explodes (impacting and possibly damaging our relationships).

It is our hope that either way, if you are a living breathing human, this conversation will provide a feeling of love, and support, of being seen, and a sense of enhanced inner kindness.

With love,
Deb Ayer


Episode 30: What are you saying?


Episode 28: Do you like money?