Episode 38: What is in a question?
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Welcome back. I would like to take a moment to thank you.
Thank you to the many souls that helped inspire me to, what felt like finally, create this portal of connection and conversation with you through this podcast.
The dreams, sorrows, triumphs, frustrations, desires, and more that you have shared over the years are what sits in the heart of each conversation You, Me, and the Elephant has.
Speaking of what sits in the heart of conversation, this episode is centered around how we get to enough curiosity, humility, and trust to discover more about ourselves, others, and the life we live.
As you have witnessed each episode invites you in through a QUESTION. This episode explores why that is so, and what a question can offer us. Specifically, when we bring more presence, openness, and consciousness into them.
Said differently, a question transports us into the space between knowing and not knowing, and into the belly of what can easily be overlooked.
Will you join me?
❤️ Dr. Deb
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. ”