Episode 39: What type of mask do you wear?
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The history of masks is rich and reaches back thousands of years. Masks have always held a dual purpose: the freedom to transform and embody new aspects of self and the potential to conceal. They remind us of the different roles we play in life, allowing us to both explore and question who we are beneath them.
Many styles of masks have been utilized through a plethora of cultures as a bridge of transformative energy.
What has intrigued me about the archetype of mask is how I can embody more deeply my connection to self, other, and the collective by utilizing them.
In this episode, we dive into the dichotomy of physical and metaphorical mask wearing and some of the common masks we wear to empower ourselves and also the common masks that may be hidden (even to ourselves) that hold parts of our being’s expression hostage.
As we move through different types of masks and I share some of my own experiences with masks, can you track masks that may dominate your persona, others that may lie hidden, and ones that empower?
Let’s explore together. I invite you to notice what you discover and how you can use your understanding of masks as a strategy to enrich your authenticity and expand ways to step into broader versions of who YOU are.
See 🎭all the faces of you in the episode!
With ❤, Dr. Deb Ayer
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. ”