Episode 32: What does it mean to sustain your life?

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We hear a fair amount about the importance of sustainability when it comes to the planet, or at least we do so, more and more. In tandem with this thought, we all know that maintaining our vehicles like oil checks and tire upkeep is important to help prevent or slow down the wear and tear of usage. But, how do sustainability and maintenance fit into our personal life journey?

A question I was presented with recently was, “Where in my life do I sustain and where in my life do I maintain?

This got me wondering. Firstly, what’s the difference between the two?

Secondly, I was curious, once I could distinguish how sustaining something may differ from maintaining something, how would I answer the original question for myself and what sort of elephants may this inquiry reveal?

Have you ever been asked a simple question that feels out of proportionally complex to answer? Wait, or is that just me!?? 😆

This conversation ended up being very helpful in noticing where I am currently maintenance heavy and where I am maintenance light.

I discovered that how I am maintaining and sustaining aspects of my life show me places inside myself that are scared, unsure, and are calling for more love, connection, and expansion. This awareness illuminates my trust in the callings and inspirations I receive that have yet to take 3D form.

I also realized that maintenance and sustenance are not the same, but they do play an integral role with each other. I sense I may not be the only one to find new self awareness and deeper connection on this expedition of, “What does it mean to sustain your life?”

Will you join me?

❤️ Dr. Deb


Episode 33: What is mother?


Episode 31: What do you expect?