Episode 33: What is mother?

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Last month we celebrated Mother’s Day. This is a day that can elicit a range of feelings depending on our personal life experiences.

This got me thinking about Mother. What is a mother, what is her role, and how can we explore these questions through the lens of archetype vs a person?

One (of many) attractions to explore the subject of mother is simply the undeniable fact that we ALL encountered our first heartbeat in the womb of the mother. This alone not only links us all to mother, but to each other. THAT is worth talking about don’t you think?

As you listen to this episode, remember we are exploring what Mother means through different archetypes. Archetypes are not people. An archetype is a collection of habits, feelings, and styles of being that we witness through our history of humanity. They can offer us wisdom, guidance, and awareness about ourselves and our relationships.

This episode is for ALL of us; man or woman (or elephant), biological mom or not, we all have a Mother within…let's chat.

See you in the episode,

❤️ Dr. Deb


Episode 34: What do you see?


Episode 32: What does it mean to sustain your life?