Episode 19: How do you get along with fear?

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Fear is no small conversation. Simply by being human; we know fear. How does fear show up in your life? What kind of relationship do you have with it? Biologically and evolutionarily speaking, fear is necessary. It is linked to the part of our nervous system that is responsible for our survival. But how has life changed since the first humans came to be?

Join Crystal and me as we unearth how the landscape of modern-day living is related to how afraid, overwhelmed, or anxious we may be.

Perhaps we could use some updating around fear and how to support our bodies by finding new edges that help us live in a more empowered state of being. This is an elephant worth exploring. See you in the episode. 💕


Episode 20: How can mud change your life?


Episode 18: You will be judged, now what?